Neutralizing Food 'Fast Food'

The presence of fast food directly favored by the public because it is suitable for the modern lifestyle. Rapid presentation mode so everyone can eat while standing or walking, even the streets in a city park. For years it was almost instantaneous lifestyle walking, until they finally realize that fast food has made a number of obese people has increased significantly.

Not only that, obesity can also become a very serious problem. In the United States for example, many cases of death associated with overweight problems. From various surveys and research revealed, fans of fast food are also susceptible to coronary heart disease.

A study in France revealed, some types of foods such as almonds, avocados, blueberries, and raisins can be a bad bidder from a variety of content in fast food.

However, because of its neutralizing only, of course its best efforts to mitigate various risks due to excessive consumption of fast food is the awareness of healthy living by choosing the menu and set a healthy and balanced diet. Here's the complete description of these four ingredients:

Almonds have a high caloric nutrient ratio compared with other nuts. Although high-calorie, mostly single or no saturated fat. These include fats good fats that will not increase the risk of heart disease or cancer

Research shows that almonds help lower cholesterol level so that it can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Recent research indicates that 70-10 percent of almonds help lower LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol).

Eating a handful of almonds (approximately weighing 28 grams) every day can be a natural anti-aging because they contain 35 per cent of the total requirement of vitamin E. These vitamins proved able to maintain healthy cells, and reduce the aging process.

Almonds contain enough magnesium, folate, vitamin E, fiber, and potassium needed to maintain heart health, as well as calcium and iron. The combination of nutrients and fiber in almonds makes a good food source for healthy eating arrangements. Almonds can be consumed directly or as a mixture of other ingredients, such as cake or bread.

Avocados can lower cholesterol up to 8.2 percent, while the food is not greasy just 4.9 percent. Remarkably again, avocado can stabilize the levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) because it contains monounsaturated substances (such mild fat) together with the fatty acid in olive oil.

Avocado leaves contain alcohol which is known as peluruh urine. The seeds can be used to lower blood glucose. Iron content of the avocado also has benefits for the body. This substance in the body serves as the oxygen-carrying pigment in blood. Oxygen is necessary to normalize the function of all body cells.

Kaliumnya content, according to several studies, is able to prevent the occurrence of stroke and coronary heart disease. This is possible because in the body, potassium plays makes the heart beat regularly, activate muscle contraction, control of water balance in tissue cells, and regulate blood pressure.
Way of utilization can be eaten directly or created juice. For juice, choose the type of avocado flesh and thick with a little sugar mixture.

This fruit is one type of food to beat wrinkles and strengthens the body. This fruit is packed with polyphenols, anti-oxidants which is very effective to combat cell damage caused by free radicals that occurs when the body burns oxygen.

Free radical production increases because a number of factors, among others, smoking and pollution. It is also associated with increased risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Free radicals also accelerate the aging process. Do not forget the consumption of blueberries with cereal or milk to stay fit and healthy.

Not everyone knows the benefits of raisins. In fact, in addition to tasty, raisin-rich calories, fiber, and minerals. Can be used as a snack food that contains many anti-oxidants and fiber, and good for the health of the mouth and teeth.

Raisins (raisins] prepared by drying the grapes do not have seeds, mainly from virufera types, such as seedless zlwmpson. Grape seed types are not in addition, also has a thin skin, and smells and tastes very sweet. The fruit is easily dried, and does not need added sugar as a preservative. In California, 95 percent of raisin wine made from these species.

The process of drying grapes can be done naturally by sunlight or using the oven. The process of drying was done until the moisture content reaches 15-18 g and 68-70 g sugar per 100 g of raisins. Raisins are good to have blackish brown or golden color.

Research conducted Andrew J Dannenberg of Weill-Cornell University Medical College in animals show that catechins (a type of phenolic compound as an anti-oxidant) in raisins may decrease the formation of tumors up to 70 percent. Anti-oksidannya can protect cells and inhibit oxidative damage so that the aging process, both in body and brain. Anti-oxidants are also important to protect the blood of cholesterol and fat oxidation process.

Contained oxidized fats in the blood will accumulate on artery walls and cause narrowing (atherosclerosis). Constriction of blood vessels that in turn can cause coronary heart disease, stroke and hypertension.