makes the fat and sugar consumption addiction

In addition to making fat, the dangers of consuming excessive sugar is addictive. Research at Princeton University prove, the rats fed on sugar had an addiction to many weeks, when they were not given the sugar anymore. Nevertheless, this study has not been done in humans.
Berikut kiat mengurangi konsumsi gula:

1. Do not miss meals
When we skip a meal, the energy level will decrease. As a result, the body starts craving the sugar-rich foods in order to immediately provide additional energy. Strategy is to eat small portions but frequently so that the body did not suddenly drop.

2. Choose a natural sugar
We want to eat ice cream, chocolate, candy, or cake, take a piece of sweet fruit. In addition we will satisfy your thirst of sweet, fruit is also rich in useful fibers reduce the absorption of sugar in the body and keep blood sugar does not rise too fast.

3. Find a healthy substitute
There are a number of sugar substitutes such as aspartame on the market. Artificial sweeteners are generally safe for consumption.

4. Toothbrushes and mouthwash
Toothbrushes and mouthwash immediately after eating sweet foods. In addition to preventing cavities, sweet foods do not taste good after you rub it. This will make us lazy eating sweet again.

5. Do not store the sweet
If there is a sweet food in the refrigerator, the greater the temptation to consume. So, keep fruits.

6. Walk
Replace desserts with a walk after dinner. Eating sugar can increase serotonin, which can add a sense of happiness. The streets for a while had the same effect on serotonin, even more healthy.


Neutralizing Food 'Fast Food'

The presence of fast food directly favored by the public because it is suitable for the modern lifestyle. Rapid presentation mode so everyone can eat while standing or walking, even the streets in a city park. For years it was almost instantaneous lifestyle walking, until they finally realize that fast food has made a number of obese people has increased significantly.

Not only that, obesity can also become a very serious problem. In the United States for example, many cases of death associated with overweight problems. From various surveys and research revealed, fans of fast food are also susceptible to coronary heart disease.

A study in France revealed, some types of foods such as almonds, avocados, blueberries, and raisins can be a bad bidder from a variety of content in fast food.

However, because of its neutralizing only, of course its best efforts to mitigate various risks due to excessive consumption of fast food is the awareness of healthy living by choosing the menu and set a healthy and balanced diet. Here's the complete description of these four ingredients:

Almonds have a high caloric nutrient ratio compared with other nuts. Although high-calorie, mostly single or no saturated fat. These include fats good fats that will not increase the risk of heart disease or cancer

Research shows that almonds help lower cholesterol level so that it can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Recent research indicates that 70-10 percent of almonds help lower LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol).

Eating a handful of almonds (approximately weighing 28 grams) every day can be a natural anti-aging because they contain 35 per cent of the total requirement of vitamin E. These vitamins proved able to maintain healthy cells, and reduce the aging process.

Almonds contain enough magnesium, folate, vitamin E, fiber, and potassium needed to maintain heart health, as well as calcium and iron. The combination of nutrients and fiber in almonds makes a good food source for healthy eating arrangements. Almonds can be consumed directly or as a mixture of other ingredients, such as cake or bread.

Avocados can lower cholesterol up to 8.2 percent, while the food is not greasy just 4.9 percent. Remarkably again, avocado can stabilize the levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) because it contains monounsaturated substances (such mild fat) together with the fatty acid in olive oil.

Avocado leaves contain alcohol which is known as peluruh urine. The seeds can be used to lower blood glucose. Iron content of the avocado also has benefits for the body. This substance in the body serves as the oxygen-carrying pigment in blood. Oxygen is necessary to normalize the function of all body cells.

Kaliumnya content, according to several studies, is able to prevent the occurrence of stroke and coronary heart disease. This is possible because in the body, potassium plays makes the heart beat regularly, activate muscle contraction, control of water balance in tissue cells, and regulate blood pressure.
Way of utilization can be eaten directly or created juice. For juice, choose the type of avocado flesh and thick with a little sugar mixture.

This fruit is one type of food to beat wrinkles and strengthens the body. This fruit is packed with polyphenols, anti-oxidants which is very effective to combat cell damage caused by free radicals that occurs when the body burns oxygen.

Free radical production increases because a number of factors, among others, smoking and pollution. It is also associated with increased risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Free radicals also accelerate the aging process. Do not forget the consumption of blueberries with cereal or milk to stay fit and healthy.

Not everyone knows the benefits of raisins. In fact, in addition to tasty, raisin-rich calories, fiber, and minerals. Can be used as a snack food that contains many anti-oxidants and fiber, and good for the health of the mouth and teeth.

Raisins (raisins] prepared by drying the grapes do not have seeds, mainly from virufera types, such as seedless zlwmpson. Grape seed types are not in addition, also has a thin skin, and smells and tastes very sweet. The fruit is easily dried, and does not need added sugar as a preservative. In California, 95 percent of raisin wine made from these species.

The process of drying grapes can be done naturally by sunlight or using the oven. The process of drying was done until the moisture content reaches 15-18 g and 68-70 g sugar per 100 g of raisins. Raisins are good to have blackish brown or golden color.

Research conducted Andrew J Dannenberg of Weill-Cornell University Medical College in animals show that catechins (a type of phenolic compound as an anti-oxidant) in raisins may decrease the formation of tumors up to 70 percent. Anti-oksidannya can protect cells and inhibit oxidative damage so that the aging process, both in body and brain. Anti-oxidants are also important to protect the blood of cholesterol and fat oxidation process.

Contained oxidized fats in the blood will accumulate on artery walls and cause narrowing (atherosclerosis). Constriction of blood vessels that in turn can cause coronary heart disease, stroke and hypertension.


Sausage Increase Heart Disease Risk

You like hot dogs or burgers with two slices of bacon or a sausage? The value of each type is on average only 50 grams, but if consumed every day the results really do not want to hear.

Recent research from the Harvard School of Public Health in the U.S. showed that those who ate meat every day that have been processed (such as ham, sausage, and bacon), will increase the risk of heart disease (42 percent) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (19 percent). The definition of a processed meat here is all kinds of meat that is processed by way of smoked or marinated.

However, still according to the same research team, if that is consumed is not yet processed meats (such as beef, lamb, or pork), not seen the same increase in risk even if you eat twice as much.

The content of cholesterol and saturated fats in processed meat or not actually the same, but the processed meat has a higher salt content and preservatives. That salt increases blood pressure in some people, and an increasing factor for heart disease.

"The consumption of processed meat, and instead of red meat, often associated with incident coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus (type 2) is higher," wrote the researchers in the journal Circulation.

On average, according to them, processed meats contain four times as much salt, and preservatives nitrate 50 per cent more. This is what explains why the salt and preservatives further increase the risk of heart disease than fat. The results of this study convey a better understanding of the potential bad about processed meat, and what the recommended intake.

According to the research team, if you want to eat meat, select lean meats, and though in ways that are healthier such as boiling, roasting, or burn them. For flavor, use fresh vegetables or as dried. As a substitute for salt, use spices and chillies.

chayote is very important for pregnant women

Although the shape is not exotic, chayote lot of benefits for human health. Cheap vegetables is a healthy food for the heart, able to ward off cancer, and very good for pregnant women.

Chayote was first discovered by Patrick Browne in Jamaica in the year 1756. This plant species widely planted in the area the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Mexico, the chayote plants are not only used as vegetables, fruits, tubers as well as food sources of carbohydrates.
Chayote vegetables is not foreign to most Indonesian people. Chayote is known by some title, such as pumpkin jipang (Central Java), manisah (East Java), and pumpkin siamese (West Java). Internationally, this vegetable called chayote.

In everyday life, chayote is known as a healthy fruit vegetables. The fruit can be cooked as fresh vegetables, vegetable ve, oseng-oseng, or vegetable acids. Stems and leaves of young shoots used to make salad or other vegetables.
Chayote (Sechium edule Sw) is a plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. These plants include vines that can grow on land or highland plain, without much need special care.

Based on the appearance of the fruit, chayote is divided into two varieties, namely varieties of squash and pumpkin varieties of wine. Squash varieties have large fruit size, can be harvested at the stadium was old enough to vegetable material, or a very young stage (baby) as raw fresh vegetables. Pumpkin wine varieties have small fruit size, generally harvested at a very young stage (baby) to be used as fresh vegetables.

Fiber Rich
Chayote nutritional composition can be seen in the table. Chayote fruit have good fiber content, ie 1.7 g per 100 g. Consumption of fiber in sufficient quantities to overcome the constipation is very good and safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. Dietary fiber may reduce the risk of cancer caused by the digestive system is not perfect.

Dietary fiber can reduce the residence time (transit time) of food from the oral cavity until the remaining food was issued in the form of feces. During his stay in the digestive tract, fiber food will be binding carcinogenic substances (causes cancer). Thanks to the short transit time of food remaining in the digestive tract, carcinogenic time residing in the body is also getting shorter, so the chances of cancer is very small.

Folic acid content in fruit squash is also quite good, ie 93 mg per 100 g. Consumption of 100 grams squash enough to meet the body's needs will be 23.25 percent of folic acid.

Folic acid vital for pregnant women because it can reduce the risk of birth defects. Low consumption of folic acid in pregnant women is closely linked to low birth weight and incidence of neural tube defects (brain disorders).
Folic acid deficiency is characterized by symptoms of anemia, namely the number of grains of red blood cells decreases. Folic acid requirement in adults is 400 mg per day. This needs to be doubled in women who are pregnant, and increased 50 percent in women who are breastfeeding.

Lower Cholesterol
Chayote fruit is also rich in potassium. Potassium is useful for the body to control blood pressure, high blood therapy, and clean carbon dioxide in the blood. Potassium is also beneficial to the working muscles and trigger ganglion. High potassium will also facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain and help to facilitate fluid balance, so the body becomes more fresh.

In addition, chayote fruit also contains high vitamin component. Niacin is part of the vitamin B complex known as vitamin B3, is used to decrease the production of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) cholesterol in the liver, thereby producing cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides can be decreased.

Niacin contributes to the enzymatic reactions in the body for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, named as coenzyme I and coenzyme II. Niacin is needed for energy supply in normal tissue. Severe niacin deficiency after a few months would result in pellagra, and dermatitis, skin disorder that is distinct and symmetrical, especially the parts that are not covered entities, such as hands, arms, elbows, feet, skin, and neck.

Chayote is also rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the metabolism of protein. Vitamin B6 is very essential to the process of deamination and transamination and decarboxylation of amino acids. Needs to reach 0.02 mg per day for adults; 0.015 mg for infants; 0.2 to 1.2 for children, and 1.4 to 2 mg for adolescents.

The content of selenium in chayote is also quite good. Selenium plays an important role to improve your mood. A study in the United States (1996) prove that the person most low body selenium content showed the worst mood. Consumption of about 55-70 micrograms of selenium per day is recommended.

Prof. dr Made Astawan
Food Technology and Nutrition Experts IPB

White Water and Diet with Fruit

White Water has a myriad of benefits to your body. As against the toxins in our bodies, prevent dehydration, as the filler of nutrients and oxygen are also needed by the body to function optimally. Even plain water can be a solution to a diet to lose weight.

More often the drinking water, may help you resist hunger and reduce eating because the stomach has been filled. But do not drink too much water. Excessive drinking in a day can affect the kidneys. Give time for the body to filter the water that comes in, before you fill it again.

You need to set the proper fluid intake to lose weight, such as the following:

Drinking while eating
Before dining with simple servings, drink one glass of water to reduce hunger. A full stomach will reduce the portion of food. If you eat a large meal, drink water in between the occasional meal. Water intake will reduce your desire to continue eating.

For the purpose of weight reduction, reduce and replace soda with water. Besides reduced sugar levels, reduce soda are also meant to prevent you from dehydration. Maximum working metabolism when the body does not dehydrate. That means your body burn fat faster. Asupa enough fluids also helps the body absorb more nutrients optimally.

Combine with fruit
In addition to water, consumption of foods containing too much water. That way, you do not need to be constantly drinking water. You can combine the fluid intake of fruits. Watermelon, apples and pears are fruits that contain lots of water. Fruits can also be overcome hunger between meals.

Key Men-style Diet Success

If your version of the diet never worked, maybe time for you to imitate the male version of the diet. Faster slender and do not torture. According to a study conducted Dietic British Association, it turns out when you want to be successful in your dieting efforts, then the most appropriate person who was consulted are the men. What are the key to success?

1. Honest and use logic to yourself. If it does not commit on a diet, body weight increases aartinya.

2. High determination and focus on the health consequences that may arise if your excess body weight.

3. Realistic about the amount of weight you want to accomplish. Do not make the target too high.

4. Eat enough and the time interval that makes you not feel never feel hungry.

5. Try exercising with friends, and use pedometers to find out how many steps you have done today.

6. Do not do the yo-yo dieting. In the first experiment, your diet is usually very successful, continue to maintain high morale.

7. Responsible for your body weight, and do not be unreasonable to blame it on allergies, hormones, heredity, or your imagination.

8. Select the program you know and want to learn more details. Do not hesitate to ask an expert.

9. Do not look for a solution to the food problem. Maybe for a while can be comforting, but you'll feel guilty at all when considering the body the next day.

10. If you really can not restrain the appetite, you should not do the food shopping.

Hot Pepper Pain Reduce Calories

Pepper, the very nature complement the menu to add a spicy flavor, it brings a beneficial side effect of waist circumference. A spicy flavor from the pepper turns out to burn calories and less fat from food.

Spicy flavor components in pepper triggers related to capsaicin, called dihydrocapsiate (DCT), which generate a sense of warmth in the body it can be modified to reduce calories and burn fat.

"DCT cause an increase in burning calories," says David Heber MD, PhD, a researcher from the University of California Los Angeles. However, the increase was not very big, about 100 calories a day in women and 200 calories in men. Fat is burned and not too much.

Although structurally related to capsaicin DCT of pepper, DCT does not provide a sense of "bite" as well as capsaicin.

In a series of research, Heber and his research team involving 51 men and women. All respondents are overweight and they get food intake in liquid form as many as 800 calories a day. Random, the respondents received DCT or placebo capsules in doses of 3 mg or 9 mg. Each does not know whether a placebo or DCT.

At the beginning of the study and four weeks later, the team of researchers measured the rate of metabolism and heat production after getting the 400-calorie liquid diet.

Respondents who received 9 mg capsules DCT produces higher heat and burning more fat than the group that received placebo.

Nevertheless, the researchers did not want to hastily conclude that the pepper is "diet pills" that hit, considering all of the respondents in the study obesity and caloric intake had a measured and controlled nutrition experts.

While awaiting the final results of the research in this field, it never hurts to add a spicy flavor in makanan.kalori and less fat from food.